Sunday, June 21, 2009

And so it begins!

My grand experiment in blogging!  

Through this blog, I hope to explore the joys and trials of moving across the world, learning a new language, taking up a new profession, and getting to know the ins-and-outs of Hong Kong life.  There will be a little something for everyone here (that's the plan at least): pictures and updates for family and friends, musings on being a Yale-China Fellow for prospective applicants, rants on the difficulty of Cantonese for future students, etc.  These next two years should be nothing short of a life-changing, thought-provoking, view-challenging roller coaster adventure, and I hope you all will come along for the ride with me!  

Over the next few days, I will be leaving little notes (Twitter-style) as I prepare for the big jump across the Pacific Ocean, as I take care of all the pesky logistical steps and take on the monstrous task of packing for the next two years.  And then, this Saturday, June 27th, I'll be jumping on a plane (with my lovely fellow Fellow Camille!) and heading to my new city!   So now I must be off to take care of the last of my to-do list for the evening (stealing Mom's music for my iTunes), but I will return soon.  Excitement!

1 comment:

  1. Nice pink blog.

    Hong Kong is going to be awesome, you will love it. I'm going to visit and force you to eat random food.

    Good luck with learning Cantonese! I'm sure you will exceed my expectations, because my expectations for you, as always, are extremely low. :P
