Sunday, July 12, 2009

We're going to Kuala Lumpur!

Exciting news, team!!  After an epic, 24 hours++ ordeal with incompetent airlines and confused hostel websites, Camille and I have finally booked our tickets to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia!!  We're heading out a day later than originally anticipated, so we'll be there Wednesday-Saturday, but it all worked out for the best, as we get more time in the city and we get to fly our favorite airline, Cathay Pacific!  The above image is The Petronas Towers, one of the tallest structures in the world, designed by New Haven, CT's own (and former Yale School of Architecture dean) Cesar Pelli!  I'll get to see it in person in just a few short days - our hostel is about a 10 minute walk from the towers!!   BTW - click on the above photo to see the full effect

Word to the wise:  Do NOT try to use Air Asia.  Despite the seemingly cheap prices, they have no idea what they're doing, and actually Cathay Pacific ended up being cheaper.  

So the next couple of days here will be spent running around getting important errands done around Hong Kong (and hopefully a little time will be spent by the pool to cool off from the sweltering heat!) and then we're jet-setting on Wednesday!  Comment with any requested souvenirs from Malaysia!  
Talk to you soon!


  1. What a building!!! And designed by a Yalie after all, very impressive. Have a grand adventure, and bring me a rock, as always. Let us hear from you , oh great adventurer! JMC

  2. ok you have officially had enough time to decompress from flight and travel day - need details, stories, pictures, tales of being chased from a temple by monkeys.... Tell us all about it!!!
