So as part of the icebreaker that I played with my 1310 (first-year) class, I mentioned that I had once auditioned for American Idol (this was one of my truths for "Two Truths and a Lie"). They all seemed pretty impressed and asked me if I was on TV, did I like it, etc. I laughed and told them that I wasn't on for very long, but that the experience and the audition were really fun.
Well, fast-forward to Tuesday night's English Department Welcoming Dinner: I'm talking with some second-year students, and when the topic of shopping and fashion in Hong Kong comes up, one of them pops up with, "Oh yes, you know! We heard from the first years that you were on America's Next Top Model!" I started laughing hysterically, and corrected them, saying that it was only American Idol, and that I was only onscreen for about half a second. They looked a bit disappointed, but still managed to boost my ego by telling me that they thought I should be a model in Hong Kong and that I had great fashion sense. They also requested that I start wearing more high heels to class.
Have I mentioned that I love these kids? Because I do.
Well, why would they NOT think that you were on ANTM? You have always been a fashionista with a model's figure, maybe you ought to do a little modeling in China, you would definitely be a hit !!!!!!